Youth Ministry
Get Involved
Youth Serving with Church in the Yard | Sunday, February 9 at 12:00pm at St. George's
We invite all interested youth to sign up to serve alongside Church in the Yard! This incredible ministry from Church of the Holy Trinity provides a meal and worship service for our homeless neighbors downtown and we'd love for y'all to participate! To learn more and sign up, click below.
Climb Nashville All-Nighter (7th & 8th Grade) | Friday, February 21 at 9:00pm in Climb Nashville West
All 7th & 8th grade youth are invited to join us for our annual all-nighter at the climbing gym where we will climb, eat, hang out, play games, watch movies, and maybe even sleep! We'd love for you and your friends to join us! Register and learn more below!
Sunday School
Sundays, January 5–April 27 at 10:05am
Each week we look into God's Word together and discover what it teaches us about who we are and the God we serve.
9th-12th Grades | Sermon on the Mount in Akers Hall (upstairs). Led by Daniel Huff and DeLacy Louise Roland
8th Grade | Confirmation in the Youth Confirmation Room (upstairs). Led by Phil Gaines & Friends.
7th Grade | New Testament Saints in Room 219. Led by Julie Gibbons & Kendall Facer.
Youth Group
Wednesdays, January 8–April 30
Youth gather upstairs in Akers Hall from 6:30-8:00pm for fellowship, games, and small group time as we grow in our relationships with God and each other. This semester we'll be studying the Gospel of Luke. All 7th–12th graders are invited!
September 2024 - May 2025
Confirmation begins September 8th for students in 8th grade or older. Throughout this year, we will grow in relationship with one another and with Jesus as we prepare to publicly confirm the promises made at our baptisms and take ownership of our faith in Christ. We will meet for Sunday School class each week to discuss what it means to be a Christian and specifically what that looks like here at St. George's. We will go on a retreat, serve together, and finally be conifmred by our bishop in May!
Ways to Serve
Acolytes | One of the most important ways for youth to engage in worship is by serving as acolytes in our traditional services. There is always room for new volunteers in this ministry! To learn more, contact church member Edward Playfair.
Lectors | Volunteers read Scripture at all of our services each week, and youth are invited to participate in the service they normally attend. To learn more, contact our Administrative Assistant Ashley Sullivan.
Choristers | The Choristers of St. George's is for 3rd-12th graders. Together, they learn singing skills, improve musical literacy, and lead worship — all while making friends and having fun! The choristers rehearse Wednesday evenings at 5:00pm. To learn more, contact our Director of Music Ministries Woosug Kang.
Here you will find some helpful resources, articles, podcasts, and more for parents and youth as they grow in relationship with Jesus. They address a number of pertinent topics for our families and as always, feel free to contact us if you have questions. For additional resources, sign up for our weekly newsletter below.