Get Involved
February Opportunities
There are many ways to support outreach ministries each month.
Church in the Yard | February 8-9. A monthly event serving meals and worshipping with Nashville neighbors in need. Learn more.
Our Little Roses Interest Meeting | Sunday, February 9. An opportunity to learn more about our decades-long relationship with a home and school for girls in Honduras, as well as details for upcoming mission trips. Learn more.
Room in the Inn | Tuesdays, February 11 & 25. Serving up food, shelter, and hospitality to our unhoused Nashville neighbors. Learn more.
Looking for other ways to serve? Volunteer with any of our outreach partners at the link below!
Mission Day
Next Mission Day: Saturday, April 5
Over and over in the Bible we are called, commanded, and encouraged to serve one another, to consider the interests of others even above our own, and to imitate Jesus, whose life on earth was filled with acts of compassion. Jesus commanded us to love our neighbors as ourselves with an active love. To live more fully into this calling, St. George’s has a tradition of regular Mission Days in which we go out as volunteers to serve our community.
Photo: Volunteer Team building ramps with Westminster Home Connection. December 2024
Ministry Spotlight
Room in the Inn
"Room in the Inn (RITI) is St. George’s at its best. I was new to St. George’s when I first served with RITI, and it brought the church to life for me in a way that Sunday services could never do on their own. Not only did RITI connect me with some of my favorite people at the church, but it also opened my eyes to the vulnerable, broken parts of society that are so easy to overlook. If you want to experience real love in action, or if you’re just looking for a way to get more involved at the church, I can’t recommend this ministry highly enough. "
-Kelly Worman, Oct 2022
Follow the link below to learn more.
Become a Grant Partner
At St. George's, we designate funds each year for Christian programs in the greater Nashville area, particularly those with opportunities for our volunteers to build relationships through hands-on involvement.
Annual Funding | St. George’s Episcopal Church makes annual grants to nonprofit, tax-exempt organizations. Our application window for 2025 annual funding has closed but you may view application details here: PDF | Word
Social Enterprise Funding | St. George's Enterprise Ministry invests in new mission initiatives through funding and relationships for the purpose of blessing the Nashville community.